From: Angel
To: Everyone
Question: Will you all like me if i try to draw each of you? *puppy eyes*I need the friends puppy eyes still*
Answer: *Everyone in unison*  ^_______________________________^ Yes we will be your friends.
From: Angel
To: Alexia
Question: How can i get Inuyasha to actually talk to me? i think he sees me but he looks at me like i'm an idiot or something ^^;;;;
Answer: Thou shall throw bigger rock at the dumb one. Then the dumb one shall notice you and shower yee with words * other words he will throw the biggest fit in the world and he will talk to you*
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From: Michael
To: Everyone
Question: Would any of you lovely ladies wish to join my dragon's army and rule over Anshin?  I'm talking about world domination here.
Answer: *characters all gagged except WickedSakkura*
             Akuma no Sakkura: I guess I'm the only one willing to join you ^_~

From: Angel
To: Everyone
Question: my lil' grey outfit isn't cutting it much anymore..
Can any of you girls help me with an outfit that's dark yet a little flashy and that might make me look cool? O.o
Answer: *everyone at once* Our creator will make you a new outfit. She is good at that ^_~
From: Wifey
To: anyone
Question: Can I have a dollar?
Answer: Marina: hmmmmmmmmm I dunno...
             Hinagiku: no dollar but you can have another dice...*flicks one at you*
From: Skiz
To: Yukiko
Question: Who exactly is your mother? *hint-hint, wink-wink* X333
Answer: *giggles* Well you'll have to ask my dad that. I barely knew her. I had a picture of her and me, when I was little......but I think my evil uncle lost it.

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